I am trying very hard to get myself addicted to blogging. Mostly I like reading other people's blogs. I sorta get sad that I didn't thing about doing this when Logan was born and going through everything. I would have been nice to read back through later on and see exactly how I was feeling. That 8 weeks in the NICU felt like 6 years. It was emotionally, physically, and mentally draining. That being said I love that I have my little boy. Last night he was sleeping on my chest in bed and I looked at Chip and I wanted to cry. I said remember when I used to do this in the hospital and he barely was longer than from my neck to the bottom of my chest. Now he's from the bottom of my next to my zipper on my pants almost (I do have a short top part, whatever that is called, i can't think at the moment). He is huge compared to my little 2lb baby. Its so weird to see him grow so big after being so small.
My biggest worry at the moment is his next appointment w/Iowa City. Since they've taken him on the oxygen he hasn't gained any weight, but he hasn't lost any either. But he hasn't gotten any taller (which could just be how he's going to grow). When premie's are taken off the oxygen it could stunt their growth because they may be working hard at times to breath. His monitor, just recently, has gone off about 3 nights in a row. Each time I checked him after the alarm the monitor belt wasn't secured as correct as it could be because he wiggles so much, but the monitor said he stopped breathing not that the belt wasn't secure. And it did this more than once each night. So i'm not sure if it was because it was loose or it was an actual alarm. When it goes off I wake up immediately since I'm such a light sleeper and I stay in bed and count the beeps. When I get to 10 beeps I sit up. When it gets to 15 I stimulate him. It got to 15 a few times and I stimulated him and it stops and it resumed regular breathing. He just hasn't outgrown the apnea fully yet. I know I worry way too much, I can't help it! It is who I am. No one but Chip and I really understand how scary it was and still is w/Logan and his breathing. Everyone assumes it is fine but again at any point it could change still. That is why it is very important he gets his synagis shot (which prevents or helps reduce the severity of RSV for more info visit
http://www.preemiecare.org/rsvfaq.htm ). It has been an ongoing thing with us to get this shot. The first 2 shots after he was home from the hopsital cost us out of pocket 480.00 each. Then my insurance company changed from united healthcare of rivervalley. The associate there got my co-pay lowered from the 5-700 that it would have been to 80.00 and i don' t have to pay it upfront, which is nice. He also got approved for the 6th shot which most insurance companies won't approve. He will get that on thursday from the visiting nurse.
I got to leave work early at 1:45pm. Hah I love leaving early but I'm not getting paid so that is suck-y. So I'm home earlier than normal and get more stuff done. Since the nurse is coming on Wednesday I want to have the house cleaned up and changed around between tonight and tomorrow. I also wanna re-clean the living room carpet because its got a few spots on it. Its so light it shows EVERYTHING. And I am quite clumsy.
Right now Logan is playing in his jumperoo near the kitchen because I plan to head that way as soon as I'm done with this post. We went to the grocery store together and he rode in the cart. It was a little scary for him I think once he figured out that if he wasn't holding on he would fall backward.
Isn't he Adorable??? For his 1yr birthday I am going to do a long post of birth to current with pictures and everything, I am going to start the project pretty soon because I am sure it will take me a Long, long, long time to finish it ecspecially when his 1st pictures were not put in the computer, they have to be scanned on, and I'll have to find someone with a scanner. I won't post every picture I ever took just milestones from the year. I dunno I might make it into a video thingy If I can figure out how to do it. I have a few videos of him that I'd like to post but It takes so long for them to upload. bah.